Spelling Words



 SPELLING LIST #2  [September 14-18]

1.     could

2.     green

3.     don't

4.     eight

5.     goes

6.     every

7.     for

8.     found

9.     gave

10.  does

11.  give

12.  done

13.  from

14.  five

15.  four


MONDAY:   Practice reading the words with your flashcards.  Now write each word two times on a piece of paper.

TUESDAY:   Practice reading the words with your flashcards.  Pick five words and put them in ABC order.

WEDNESDAY:  Practice reading the words with your flashcards. Write  3   sentences using at least one spelling word in each sentence.

THURSDAY:   Practice reading the words with your flashcards.  Did you read them faster than before? How about last week's list? Has someone in your home give you a practice spelling test?

FRIDAY:   Spelling test in class.